Rest in Peace Itaewon
JEKTVNEWS.COM - The deadly tragedy that killed hundreds of people in the Itaewon area, Seoul, South Korea on Saturday, November 29, 2022, was allegedly due to the booming number of visitors, considering that Halloween was the first celebration in three years after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions in South Korea.
The crowds in the narrow alleys of Itaewon made many visitors experience Cardiac Arrest. Medical officers and residents around the location immediately performed CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to help the victims.
In addition to the overwhelming crowd, the Itaewon tragedy was also caused by clashes in the crowd. Many visitors also reported using drugs. A total of 141 victims who died have been identified. They have also informed the family. and 2 of those identified are Indonesian citizens.
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Some opinions from witnesses and survivors were spread on social media such as Twitter and Instagram. Many of them said that this tragedy was triggered by a group of teenagers who joked while pushing.
Korean social media users also found an apology account, which reads, "I'm the one pushing, sorry. At first, I was just joking but I didn't think anyone would die." So far, the Korean government has only confirmed this tragedy because of the overabundance of visitors and some of the visitors using drugs. but it is possible, that other factors can cause this to happen, compared to other areas such as Shibuya in Japan which are also equally dense but do not take any lives.
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Based on the information above, it cannot be said that this tragedy could have happened because of just one person. If traced, this error also occurred from poor crowd control management, using 700 security personnel to guard while he was working, and placing 200 security personnel in the Itaewon area, while there were thousands of people.
In addition, before the incident culminated, many reports had already been submitted to the police officers, but the responses of the police were too complicated compared to coming directly to the scene, and the police came after the incident broke out.
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Even though they had been warned 4 hours before the incident. if only they had come sooner, many lives could have been saved. But, in fact, the people in any country are always the same.
This event teaches us all to be more careful and better able to control ourselves under any circumstances. as well as, be responsive in the face of many events and responsibilities at work. responsibility has always taught us that one omission can kill a million opportunities.