Top Three Place Vacations at Padang

Rabu 10-05-2023,07:24 WIB
Reporter : Diana Hrp
Editor : Sandi

JEKTVNEWS.COM - Padang tourists increase by 100% in 2022 with a total of more than 2.8 million or to be precise 2,855,135 tourists compared to 2021.

The relief made after the COVID-19 pandemic revived Padang’s cultural and tourism sector. The existence of this concrete evidence also shows that Padang is a location that is in great demand by tourists for vacation, both foreign and domestic tourists.

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Padang is indeed famous for its beauty, unique food, and world-famous are the main reasons why Padang must be one of the wishlists as a city you want to visit. What is there in Padang?

1. Pantai Padang

Pantai Padang is one of the most popular tourist attractions, by tourists and residents of Padang. Pantai Padang, also known as Taplau. Pantai Padang is one of the best places for healing for students in colleges and a hangout for young people. Apart from its strategic location and easy access, the price offered for a vacation there is also very cheap.

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2. Pantai Air Manis

Padang is famous for its many beaches, so it's no wonder that some of the tourist destinations in Padang are beaches. If Taplau offers a strategic location and cheap prices for tourists.

So Pantai Air Manis provides something that is closely related to culture, the iconic Pantai Air Manis with one of the stones that resemble a human, mentioned in a legend that the statue is a statue of Malin Kundang, a child who was disobedient to his parents. Local residents believe that the existence of the stone is not accidental, because many residents often hear cries from the stone every night.

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3. The Great Mosque of Sumatera Barat

For Muslim tourists, you can't miss the Great Mosque of Sumatra Barat. This mosque is known for its architecture which is so unique because its shape is almost like a traditional house of Minang, like a Gadang house with four sharp corners typical of Minangkabau culture. The area of this mosque reaches 18,000 m2.

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